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Located in Dayton, Ohio, the facility, established in 1973, boasts a capacity of 118 licensed skilled nursing beds. Despite its longstanding presence, the facility faced challenges, including survey issues resulting in financial disruption
Recognizing the need for strategic repositioning, Blueprint was enlisted to spearhead the transaction on behalf of the exiting regional owner-operator. The seller, looking to shift their focus to other alternative classes, sought Blueprint's expertise in navigating the complexities of the healthcare real estate market

Through a meticulously managed process, Blueprint orchestrated a competitive environment that attracted multiple offers. The selected buyer, a well-respected owner-operator active in Ohio, made their second foray into the Dayton MSA, recognizing the untapped potential of the facility

A notable milestone in the transaction was the swift closing, achieved shortly after obtaining HUD approval. Blueprint played a pivotal role in facilitating the due diligence process and navigating negotiations, ensuring a seamless and successful transition of ownership


wRight Team Lands Deal in Dayton

Blueprint's Ohio Odyssey: Rescuing Resilience in Dayton's Healthcare Haven

Connor Doherty

Ryan Kelly

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