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The sub-50-unit community is located in an affluent D.C. neighborhood but had struggled operationally throughout and following the pandemic.
Given the exceedingly rare location of the real estate, Blueprint implemented a unique marketing strategy that targeted both Seniors Housing-focused buyers, as well as other local groups interested in converting the property to an alternative use.
The process yielded several competitive bids from both cohorts. Blueprint leveraged the competitive process to drive value, resulting in one of the alternative-use bidders emerging with the highest and best offer. Blueprint then worked with all parties to structure an agreement which addressed all the unique complexities associated with the use conversion.
Blueprint remained intimately involved throughout the entirety of the process, working with all stakeholders to facilitate definitive agreement negotiations and manage due diligence, culminating in a win-win transaction for all involved.

Blueprint Goes to Washington
A not-for-profit based in Washington D.C. tapped Blueprint to assist in the divestiture of a non-core Seniors Housing community within their portfolio. Several prominent industry veterans serve on the NFP’s Board and recommended the Blueprint Team to manage the sensitive transaction.
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